Yoga Teacher training Courses in GOA, DHARMSHALA, RISHIKESH

100 Hours TTC


  • Course Dates
  • 1st Oct – 12th Oct 2024
  • 1st Nov – 12th Nov 2024
  • 1st Dec – 12th Dec 2024
  • 2 Jan – 12th Jan 2025
  • 1st Feb – 12th Feb 2025
  • 1st March –12th March 2025
  • 1st April –12th April 2025
  • 1st May – 12th May 2025
  • 1st June – 12th June 2025

200 Hours TTC


  • Course Dates
  • 1st Oct – 23 Oct 2024
  • 1st Nov – 23 Nov 2024
  • 1st Dec – 23 Dec 2024
  • 2nd Jan – 24 Jan 2025
  • 1st Feb – 23 Feb 2025
  • 1st March –23 March 2025
  • 1st April - 23 April 2025
  • 1st May – 23 May 2025
  • 1st June – 23 June 2025

300 Hours TTC


  • Course Dates
  • 1st Oct – 30th Oct 2024
  • 1st Nov – 30th Nov 2024
  • 1st Dec – 30th Dec 2024
  • 2 Jan – 31 Jan 2025
  • 1st Feb – 29 Feb 2025
  • 1st March –30 March 2025
  • 1st April –30 April 2025
  • 1st May – 30 May 2025
  • 1st June – 30 June 2025

50 Hours


  • Course Dates
  • 1st Oct – 7th Oct 2024
  • 1st Nov – 7th Nov 2024
  • 1st Dec – 7th Dec 2024
  • 2 Jan – 8th Jan 2025
  • 1st Feb – 7th Feb 2025
  • 1st March –7th March 2025
  • 1st April –7th April 2025
  • 1st May – 7th May 2025
  • 1st June – 7th June 2025

NOTE: You can book by advance of 200 / 400 / 500 dollars and rest of money you can give on arrival or before arrival. Once Advance given will not be refunded but you can change your dates in future according to your comfort You are welcome to come first and choose Yoga place, room and food according to your taste liking and comfort of heart. Rooms and Eating place or restaurants are near 5 or 10 minutes walking distance from yoga place and we can help you to show rooms and restaurants but practically not possible everyone will like or enjoy rooms and food or eating place or restaurants given by us so you are welcome to choose according to your taste, liking and heart and there is NO need to pay us for room and food because we are more in yoga and we are not any restaurant owner or hotels owners. So we want to be more in yoga and your growth and your transformation in yoga.

Will be something like this but there can be flexible timings also

Daily Schedule

 Internationally certified Yoga teacher training India

1. 6.00 – 7.00 Morning MEDITATIONS (some from 112 techniques of meditations from lord Shiva)

2. 7.00 – 8.00 Morning Pranayama or Breathing Exercises (Near about 18 TECHNIQUES)

3. 8.15 – 10.15 Morning Asana or POSTURES (HATHA IYENGER STYLE) (Near about 80 Poses) Methodology,Therapy, Alignment and Adjustment

4. 1.30 – 2.45 P.M. Self Practice

5. 3.00 – 4.00 Evening YOGA Philosophy and Anatomy with some MORE information and knowledge about Ayurveda and Nature Cure

6. 4.00 – 5.30 Evening Asanas or Postures (ASHTANGA VINYASA STYLE) Methodology, Alignment and Adjustment

Online Courses

Yoga Teacher Training

100/ 200/300/500 Hours Self Speed TTC

Join Now

Yoga teacher training course is to help you to learn details of yoga in simplest, detailed and loving way:

What You Will Learn in Yoga Courses

1. You will learn asanas (postures) IYENGAR style HATHA, ASHTANGA VINYASA style more than 70 poses and its correct technique, alignment, benefits, precautions.

2. You will learn pranayama (17 different breathing exercises), bandhas (locks), kriyas, mudras to get better health, cure different diseases and it also helps to go deeper in to meditation.

3. You will learn meditations (more than 30 meditations with breathing, light, music, dances, imagination, catharsis etc. to transform life and be enlightened like Buddha)

4. Yoga philosophy (Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga etc. From Bhagvat Gita) to know who you are and what you can be and how to achieve your hidden potential and possibilities.

5. Anatomy and physiology.

6. Alignment and Correction of postures of students and sequencing of postures.

7. Therapeutic Yoga and its therapeutic aspects by understanding different people needs ,diagnose and cure their diseases like constipation, arthritis, blood pressure, back pain, loosing fats etc.

8. You will learn something about Ayurveda (your type Vata, Pitta and Kapha with right or wrong combination of food) and Naturopathy for better healthy life.

9. Ethics and moral values for yoga teacher.

10. You will learn about diet control and what kind of food is good for you and what is not good or harmful to improve your health and eating habits.

11. You will learn how to use mind, heart and body in best possible yogic way as it is up to us to either use mind, heart and body like temple by putting best pure thoughts, emotions, feelings, food in it or use mind, heart and body like dust bin by putting negative wrong thoughts, emotions, feelings and food in it.

12. Motivating and inspiring yourself and others for getting maximum benefits, happiness, rejuvenation, relaxation and transformation.

13. At the end of course you will get YOGA ALLIANCE certificate of yoga teacher.

14. Written material will be given also.

200 hour yoga teacher training India

Why to choose

Yoga With Divya

- Our Yoga Teacher Training Center in Goa focuses not only on the practice of yoga courses but also gives equal importance to the theory part because it helps in the deep understanding of the concepts of yoga.

- Our center is located in nice beautiful place which automatically helps the person in adapting the yogic lifestyle.

- We provide nice accommodation facilities.

- Meal facilities.

- Therefore, if you are a yoga freak and are keenly interested in making yoga as your bright career then you can definitely join Yoga with Divya and can get the best Yoga Teacher Training in India.

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